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发布时间:2022-11-09 17:28:55
核心提示:成人喝母乳更健康?3大“人奶”谣言,别再被骗了 参考资料:[1]闫淑媛,匡晓妮,钱红艳,李雪怡.母乳成分动态分析及与乳母膳食营养摄入、婴儿生长发育关系研究[J].中国妇幼健康研究,2020,31(11):1531-1536.[2]邓炳俊,陈文英,史丹红,刘丹.产后 ...




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[4]Pannaraj, Pia S., Fan Li, Chiara Cerini, Jeffrey M. Bender, Shangxin Yang, Adrienne Rollie, Helty Adisetiyo, Sara Zabih, Pamela J. Lincez, Kyle Bittinger, Aubrey G Bailey, Frederic D. Bushman, John W Sleasman and Grace M. Aldrovandi. “Association Between Breast Milk Bacterial Communities and Establishment and Development of the Infant Gut Microbiome.” JAMA Pediatrics 171 (2017): 647–654.

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[6]Cheng, Lianghui, Renate Akkerman, Chunli Kong, Marthe T. C. Walvoort and Paul de Vos. “More than sugar in the milk: human milk oligosaccharides as essential bioactive molecules in breast milk and current insight in beneficial effects.” Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 61 (2020): 1184 - 1200.

[7]Martin, Camilia R., Pei Ra Ling and George L. Blackburn. “Review of Infant Feeding: Key Features of Breast Milk and Infant Formula.” Nutrients 8 (2016): n. pag.



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